Body of Work: Ann Tegnell (Night 2) - Hybrid Online and On-Site

Body of Work: Ann Tegnell (Night 2) - Hybrid Online and On-Site

Thursday, September 29, at 7:00 PM

Please notify us via email ( or via phone (215-222-4201) if you would like to attend in-person! Proof of COVID-19 vaccination and masking is required.

Ann Tegnell is an Academy Award and Emmy nominated producer–director and editor with years of professional experience as a storyteller. She is the dean of long form documentary film editors in the Philadelphia region, working extensively as an independent media maker while creating commercial and public broadcasting, non-broadcast and new media. The hallmark of her work has been her collaborations with other filmmakers, including editors, to create an exquisite Body of Work, exploring extraordinary lives of ordinary people. Over three days we will watch a range of work edited, as well as directed and produced by Tegnell, and will have a chance to talk with the filmmaker and her collaborators.


Stories Around Us

Knee Deep

(USA, 2004, 27 min)

Produced and Directed by Ann Tegnell and Sharon Mullally

Through the bitter cold of winter and into a vibrant fall, Knee Deep follows volunteers from the Center in the Park Senior Environment Corps of Germantown, Philadelphia.

Mirror Dance / La Danza del Espejo

(USA, 2005, 53 min)

Directed by Frances McElroy and Maria Teresa Rodriguez, Edited by Ann Tegnell

Born identical twins, the inseparable Margarita and Ramona de Saá grow up to become acclaimed ballerinas with the fledgling National Ballet of Cuba. Wrested apart by the Revolution, a moment of détante 40 years later provides an opportunity for reconciliation.Tells the story of Margarita and Ramona de Saá. Born identical twins, the sisters grew up to become acclaimed ballerinas with the National Ballet of Cuba.



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In-person at Scribe Video Center and online via Crowdcast.

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