Special Presentation with Max Musau

Special Presentation with Max Musau

Friday, May 19, 2023 @ 7PM-9PM

Max Musau, is the founder of Jiwe, a "serious gamiing" workshop based in Nairobi. Kenya. He is also a fellow of the Open Documentary Lab at MIT. As a "serious gamer," he uses gaming and new digital platforms to engage young people in critical social and political issues. We are honored that he will be visiting Scribe Video Center on May 19 during his brief visit in the US.

Musau is passionate about helping communities be more creative and productive using new technology and engaging them in new and playful learning experiences. His digial craft has enabled him to explore the creative learning process through experimentation and play, allowing him to design games and other community-driven learning experiences.

Games Against Slavery:
The project’s goal is to raise awareness by bringing to life experiences of modern day descent-based slavery in West Africa and especially in Mali through games and game development.

Bunce Island:
A digital learning tool that is both immersive and community-driven, that we hope will become a new approach to data, research, and teaching.


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Scribe Video Center

Event Type: 
Special Presentations