Muslim Voices of Philadelphia Vol. 1

Produced by: 
Scribe Video Center and Various Community Organizations

Precious Places Compilation Price:

Higher Education Institutions & Government Agency DVD | $139.00
K-12 & Public Libraries DVD | $79.00
Home Video DVD License – Restrictions Apply | $20.00



Muslim Voices of Philadelphia is a community history project exploring the long history of a diverse array of Muslim communities in the region. Members of mosques, masjids, schools, cultural centers, and other Muslim groups combine archival research, ethnography, oral history, and digital media to form a clear and expansive picture of the rich history of Islam in Philadelphia. This DVD features 2 films.


Films Included In The Compilation:

The Sun Rises in Philadelphia by Lajna Ima’illah, Women’s Auxiliary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (2011)
This film documents and highlights the Ahmadiyya Muslim community’s historical beginnings in Philadelphia in the early 1920s along with the community’s lively activities, unique educational efforts, and contributions to this city spanning nearly a century (00:10:00). Read more
The Moorish Science Temple of America: Branches to Philadelphia, Rooted in Peace by Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc., Temple #11 (2014)
The Moorish Science Temple of America highlights its one hundred years of existence as one of the first Islamic organizations in America, and its historical impact in Philadelphia (00:16:00). Read more

Film Stills: