XR: Immersive Storytelling workshop with Rashin Fahandej
XR: Immersive Storytelling workshop with Rashin Fahandej
This Spring, Scribe hosts presentations with three new media artists/creative technologists affiliated with MIT’s Open Documentary Lab. They offer models for how new media platforms like AR can be used for immersive storytelling in community settings.
How can Immersive Storytelling, the physical and visual, become a tool for healing community trauma? This workshop will introduce workshop participants to the tools and as importantly the methodologies of a community responsive and responsible XR. Rashin Fahandej will draw from A Father’s Lullaby, her collaborative XR installation on the role and absence of men raising children within a society structured by a racialized criminal justice system, as a model of community-responsive media making.
Using XR (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence) Fahandej's methodology is rooted in her “Art as Ecosystem” concept., “Art as Ecosystem” new platforms of media production that centers voices on the margins and utilizes emerging technologies.
Scribe Video Center