FRESH KILL - 35mm Screening at Ambler Theater

FRESH KILL - 35mm Screening at Ambler Theater

Saturday, September 14, 2024 @7:30 pm
General Admission $17, Students/Seniors $15.00, Scribe Members $12.00

FRESH KILL (1994) by Shu Lea Cheang envisions a post-apocalyptic landscape strewn with electronic debris and suffering the repercussions of mass marketing in a high-tech commodity culture. Fresh Kill tells the story of two young lesbian parents caught up in a global exchange of industrial waste via contaminated sushi. A collage of unsettling, yet oddly familiar images, Fresh Kill evokes the furious rhythms of channel surfing with its rapid-fire editing style. Shu Lea Cheang has worked across film, video, installation, and web spaces. Born in Taiwan in 1954, her practice combines artistic concerns with hot-button social issues, defined by her nomadic, information-era existence. She has been a member of the alternative media collective Paper Tiger Television since 1982. She later cofounded Kingdom of Piracy, an online workspace that promotes the free sharing of digital content and ideas as an art form.

Director Shu Lea Cheang will join us in the theater for a post-film Q&A.

This brand new 35mm print was restored by New York University Fales Libraries with BB Optics with funds from the National Film Preservation Foundation. This screening is part of Director Shu Lea Cheang’s nationwide road trip; this print will be showcased at 20+ arthouse movie theaters around the country.

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Ambler Theater

Ambler Theater


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